Forum for Creativity for Culture, Arts and Peace has collaborated with Humanist of the World Organization to support International literature, art, and culture.

** Forum for Creativity for Culture, Arts and Peace

Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors

Ambassador Dr. Muhammad Fawzi Farid Al-Dakrouri

Egypt 🇪🇬


It is an entity that meets all legal requirements and has all the powers to spread cultural and artistic awareness, peace and humanity among all peoples of the world.

* Objectives of the group: Organization of cultural art exhibitions, art programs, poetry and literature evenings, storytelling and exhibitions for children.  To spread peace and social peace through programs and exhibitions organized by the group, creating bonds of brotherhood, love and communication between people...

I have obtained the following credits..


1- Registered with the United Nations


2- Approval from the International Development Board No. BND0230170


3- Accreditation from the British Academy of Cambridge No



4- Accreditation of the BALKANOFANTASTIKA organization in Croatia, No. N/S 234603/7JZ


5- Accreditation of the Al-Rasad News Agency in Iraq, NoEAI (E.Iraq.43840)


6- Accreditation by the American University for Culture and Education, No. AUCE0039


7- Accreditation by the Brazilian International Council Confia and the ITMUT Foundation

 BRAZIL ITMUT No. 003795

Peace Consulate of Artists, Writers and Poets of the World of Accreditation number 011


8- Accreditation of the International Federation in Colombia

International Foundation. Humanitarian NGO Chaplaincy International Accreditation



9- Approval of the Ministry of Culture of Egypt, Cultural Development Fund No. 88805


10- Accreditation of the Omrania International Academy for Education, Culture, Literature and World Peace, accredited by the University of California and the Ministry of Culture of Egypt, No.



11- Adoption of the Kingdom of Kotai, Indonesia, No.



12- Accreditation of Al-Rashed International Corporation for Consulting, Business Solutions and Training, which is registered with the  United Nations

by number



13- Accreditation of the International Cultural Academy of Iraq, No. A0108


14- Accreditation of the International Academy of Culture and Human Sciences in Iraq, No. 197


15- Accreditation of Professor Tariq Haya Union for Culture, Arts, Peace and International Development, No. 91


16- Accreditation of the Sarh International Security Academy in Jordan, No. 229,978


17- International Accreditation of the Arab Pride Academy for Evil, Appreciation and International Literature in Algeria, No. 405